It's time for you to start the thing.

You know, that thing you've been thinking about starting. It's time.

Maybe you've been thinking about getting in shape, but you've been putting it off because your birthday is coming up and well, there will be cake. Perhaps you want to sign up for that virtual improv class, but you're trying to convince someone to do it with you first. Or maybe that book on your shelf is collecting dust because you haven't made time to read it yet. The New Year is coming up, but wouldn't it be fun to get a running start?

Whatever it is, take that first step today. Right now, preferably. Go. You know you want to. 😎

And if you want someone rooting you on, reply and let me know what you're going to start today!



Elizabeth Gilbert with Oprah: Make your dreams happen (one coffee can at a time)

With love,
Kristy Arnett

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