You don't have to apologize for saying no.

You don't have to apologize for saying no.

This newsletter is inspired by the messages that, either I or my loved ones, have recently needed to hear. Welcome to the family.

One of my favorite quotes of all time by Brene Brown is, "Choose discomfort over resentment." It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything. When we do that, we end feel depleted, unfulfilled, and even angry.

A mentor once told me that what we allow, we promote. When we allow other's priorities to become our own, we teach them that it's ok. When we learn to say no, unapologetically, we promote emotional honesty.

Your priorities, health, and happiness matter. It might be difficult at first, especially when those around you are used to you saying yes, but it is a practice.

So go for it. Say no. Because when you say no to what is not important, you say yes to what is. 


More ♣️

A New Short Film About How Doing a Sexy Photoshoot Triggered 8 Years of Social Anxiety:

One of my favorite articles on Medium - 31 Important Things You Should Say ‘No’ to for a Happier Life

A podcast interview I did about the Beauty of Setting Boundaries

With love,
Kristy Arnett

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