Travel on Purpose

Have you been day dreaming about traveling while snoozing on the life that's right in front of you? That was Antesa Jensen's for most of her life, but particularly during her 12-year career in the investment banking industry. She liked her job, she had a great apartment, a fine life, but she was HUNGRY for something.

After a couple particular WTF am I doing with my life? moments, she shifted direction. Antesa began waking up. That's when Adventure Awake was born. Her company is committed to transformational work through coaching and her favorite pastime-- traveling.

According to Antesa, "We've been misusing travel and missing the point by checking destinations off of our list, and forgetting entirely about the journey, and subsequently, the journey behind the journey."

Hear her incredible story and allow her to completely shift your view on travel. It just might be exactly what you need to hear.



Adventure Awake Website

Online Course: Know Yourself

Upcoming Adventures

Video from last Trip to Jordan


Adventure Awake Jordan from Adventure Awake on Vimeo.

The song featured on this show is "Slow Burn" by Autograf.