No BS Communication

When polling my friends about what their biggest hurdle is in relationships, one of the top answers was-- COMMUNICATION. Well, that and choosing what to eat for dinner (but I think that can be put into the communication category anyway). The question then becomes- Why can't we communicate effectively? What's stopping us? And what would good, clear communication between people look like?

According to Joshua Hathaway, the reason we don't communicate effectively is because bull shit runs us.

He has made it his full-time mission to cut the bull shit. After teaching NonViolent Communication for over a decade, coaching and counseling hundreds of individuals and couples toward their greatness, and spending the last two years branding a whole new NoBS approach to the principles of authentic connection (including three months coaching and training hundreds of Zappos employees in NoBS), Joshua Hathaway, M.A. is thrilled to transmit the skills and insights he's gained to a wider audience through his Bullsh!tProof Relationship Weekend Immersions and forthcoming online trainings in NoBS communication.

On this episode of the, WTF Am I Doing With My Life? Podcast, Joshua talks about how to master your bullshit.

  1. Express your authentic experience and desires without the Projection Bullsh!t.
  2. Listen for understanding and reflect what you are hearing without getting hooked by your Reactive Bullsh!t.
  3. Ask for what you think will meet your needs concretely and collaboratively instead of getting locked into your Demand Bullsh!t.
  4. Express your tensions sooner and more skillfully, with a readiness to listen and reflect, instead of being caged by your Avoidant Bullsh!t.
  5. Master your Victim Bullsh!t by taking radical responsibility for your experience and getting your needs met in authentically mutual ways.

Join Joshua December 2nd-3rd in San Diego!

Bullsh!tProof: A Weekend Immersion in Exquisite Relating

A collaborative venture in Men’s Leadership

Master Your Bullshit