How to Maximize Your Strengths

The fastest way to success is not by improving your weaknesses. It's to maximize your strengths. Strengths Coach Alissa Daire Nelson comes on the podcast to talk about why we need to build our own awareness around our gifts and how to do it. How do we identify our strengths? We can either take the Strength Finder Test, or we can do a simple exercise that Alissa shares with us:

Throughout one whole day, write down what energizes you and what makes you happy. Write down things that give you the warm fuzzy feelings or the things that get you excited!

Write down the triggers that frustrate you. They can be as simple as being suck in traffic or as big as a fight with a coworker.

You will find a trends which will give you hints as to what you're strengths are and also how to adjust so that you're not spending so much time on your weaknesses.

"When we focus on the weaknesses, we give all of those negative things all of that energy in our headspace. What are we missing out on is all of our gifts, our talents, and the things that not only bring us joy but also bring joy to the world."


Podcast Timestamps:

9:50 - Why our brains tend to focus on weakness

15:30 - What we miss out on when we try to strengthen our weaknesses

23:30 - Why maximizing our strengths will actually help our weaknesses

Alissa's Links:




WEBSITE The song featured on this podcast is "Slow Burn" by AUTOGRAF.